Friday, July 27, 2012

Jim just called from near St. Louis.  He left Fairview early this morning and drove East all day in order to be on time tomorrow for the start of the 144-mile "River Rumble."  He'll be paddling in company with about 150 other canoeists wacky enough to brave the expected record high temps.  Jim says his hat will probably spend half the time being dipped in the river to keep his head cool.  He'll be carrying enough water and Gater-Aid to stay hydrated, and granola bars, nuts and peanut butter sandwiches made up in tortillas for lunch and snacks during each day.  Being on the water brings him a lot of pleasure and joy.  Sure hope the weather isn't too hard on the group!  Will keep up the blog for him from home, with daily news and observations from his river jaunt.  Go safely, Jim and little Ibi.  My thoughts and prayers are with you and your paddling companions. 

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