Wednesday, July 25, 2012

It's Not Looking Good.....

If you're wondering what I'm talking about, just pick a subject.  The fan, in four days, has made it from Martinsburg, WV, to Atlanta, GA.  The sail went from San Francisco to Clearlake Oaks, CA, and then back to San Francisco.  They say the tracing information may take 48 hours to update, so I hope their updating is more in error than their shipping.  The projected delivery date is the day after I leave. 

Things have been going less than great for this young dove also.  We've been having a few days of high winds, and the bird was blown from a nest high in a pecan tree.  It found its way onto the patio and climbed onto my chair.  Its crop was full, and the parent birds were hanging close, so with the difficulty in trying to feed a young dove, we decided the best course was to leave it be and have its parents look after it.  Two days later it had begun to fly, and Jean saw it flitting about the back yard.

I wrote previously on Fort Supply.  The Ft. Supply to El Reno military and freight road was laid down in 1869 as part of the military supply line connecting three states.  The trail crosses present-day Rt. 50 just south of Mooreland, OK.  It was common for new roads to closely follow the original trails, so just a bit further south, you can see where the trail crossed the North Canadian River right alongside the existing highway bridge.  You can see several of the pilings from the original bridge that would have borne mule wagons and stagecoaches across the plain.  There are three near the left bank, four visible on the island, and those near the right bank are buried in foliage.

As for the weather during the upcoming Missouri River trip, the heat is supposed to increase a degree every day, to reach 109 by Tuesday.  Come on fan!

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