Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Sometimes It's Just Luck

Sometimes you’re lucky; sometimes you’re good. Sometimes lucky trumps good. We were at Little Pee Dee State Park. We had taken a walk through the Beaver Pool Nature Trail and had nearly beaten ourselves simple while smacking yellow biting flies. I found my best tool was a large bandanna tied around my head and hanging down my neck. I have a hat made like that, and have found it to be one of my greatest paddling tools, even better than a big straw hat. It has a long skirt, for want of a better word, that goes all the way around the hat, even covering the temples, and hangs down onto my shoulders. It has proven great for sun protection, which was its anticipated function, but has been just as great for bugs. This walk, however, had been impromptu, and I had come without the hat, so was making do. As we finished the walk through the woods, I saw a fresh, delicate thistle blossom. I set the camera for a close macro shot, and knelt down within inches of the thistle. Just then a butterfly flew into my field of vision, flitted around and about the blossom as I took pictures. It totally ignored my presence as though I didn’t exist. It was the perfect addition to the picture that I couldn’t have possibly planned. And it was just luck.

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